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No but they do have 4 equal corner angles of 90 degrees

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Q: Do rectangles have all equal lengths?
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Are all cubes rectangles?

No because cubes do not have opposite sides that are different lengths. Cubes have all equal sides and all equal coners. A cube is not a rectangle.

Does a quadrilateral have to have all equal sides?

No- quadrilaterals don't require completely equal sides. There are quadrilaterals like rectangles that have uneven lengths of sides.

Why are rectangles squares?

Rectangles are not squares. The reason to this is because squares must have sides of equal lengths. Rectangles are quadrilaterals with sides that join to make 90 degree angles, but are not restricted to having the same length. Therefore "all squares are rectangles", but rectangles cannot be squares.

Which two quadrilaterals do not have all sides of equal length?

There are infinite amounts of quadrilaterals that have sides that aren't all equal. In regular quadrilaterals, however there are rectangles and kites that have uneven lengths of sides.

What makes a rectangle and a squarea llike and what makes them different?

Rectangles and squares are alike in that both pairs of their opposite sides are parallel and their inner corners are all 90-degree angles; they are different in that squares have equal lengths on all sides, and only rectangles' opposite sides are the same lengths.

Are polygons with all right angles sometimes squares?

Yes, those polygons which have angles of 90 degrees and equal side lengths are called squares; those with uneven side lengths are called rectangles.

What is the difference between squares rhombuses and rectangles?

Squares have four sides of equal length and four right angles.Rhombuses (rhombi) have four sides of equal length but the angles are not right angles. Rectangles have four right angles but the sides are not all of the same length.

Are all squares rectangles but not all rectangles squares?

Yes, all Squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares because it needs to have all equal sides.

Are all rectangles the same?

no they can be different lengths or sizes

All rhombuses are rectangles?

No. A rectangle has all angles equal to 90o; a rhombus has opposite angles equal but they do not need to be 90o; thus all rhombuses are not rectangles. All rectangles have four equal angles and opposite sides of equal length, all four sides need not be the same length; a rhombus has all 4 sides of equal length; thus all rectangles are not rhombuses either.

Are all squares rectangles?

Rectangles have a right angle at each corner so all the angles are equal, but the lengths of the sides are not necessarily the same (although opposites must be or the corners will not be right angles). A square is a special kind of rectangle. All of the corners in a square are the same 90 degrees, like any old rectangle, but all of the sides of a square are also exactly the same length as each other. So all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.

Which statements about squares and rectangles are true?

The statements:It is a quadrilateral (a shape with 4 sides)It has two pairs of opposite sides equal of equal length which are parallelAll angles are equal at 90°The diagonals are equal in length and bisectall squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squaresare all true about squares and rectangles