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Q: Do the outlet devices must have an ampere rating not less than the load to be served true or fals?
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A menu includes soup every fourth day and fruit salad every sixth day .They were served on monday October 31 .When will they next be served together?

Here you are trying to find the LCM (Least Common Multiple) for 4 and 6. The LCM for 4 and 6 is 12. Therefore, every 12 days this combination of fruit salad and soup would be served together. You can count the days from there.

Name the black mathematician who was a surveyor on the team that planned the District of Columbia?

Benjamin Banneker was the African-American mathematician who served as a surveyor on the team that planned the District of Columbia. He lived from 1731 to 1806.

What is a real world example of a hemisphere?

-- 1/2 of a grapefruit served as an appetizer. -- The portion of the earth upon whose surface Summer begins in June. -- The portion of the earth from whose surface the North Star is visible.

Is hot an adverb?

No. But it can seem to be, where it refers obliquely to an action, rather than a noun.In the sentence "The food is hot" the word hot is an adjective describing food.In the sentence "The food should be served hot" the word hot seems to be an adverb, indicating the manner in which the food is served - many dictionaries classify it as an adverb in these cases. However, it is a condition, not a manner; it is not the serving that is hot, but the food.The actual adverb is "hotly" and it is used to describe the manner (often metaphorical) of an action, e.g. The sun shone hotly on the rocky plain. The election was hotly contested by the two factions.

When dealing with a countermeasure development what is the bottom line?

Always apply a unique countermeasure to each vulnerability.always weigh the cost of the countermeasure against its benefit.always think of a countermeasure as a smarter way to do a task.always develop countermeasures on a first come, first served basis.

Related questions

Do the outlet devices must have an ampere rating not less than the load to be served?

The receptacle must have a rating equal to or greater than the connected load.

Which port served as a central outlet between China and the West?

Its either Guangzhou, Macao, Manila, or Beijing

What is FIFO bus arbitration scheme?

FIFO means First In First Out, so the devices will be served on a first come first served basis.

What brand makes the best brew pub?

Rating a brand of beer and rating the pub in which it is served is a very subjective experience. There are sites that try to do this in an objective way. Try using RateBeer or Beervana.

Where Do you find Circuits?

Every device that's plugged into every outlet in every house on your block that's served by the same pole-transformer is in parallel with all of the others.

Where do you find parallel circuits?

Every device that's plugged into every outlet in every house on your block that's served by the same pole-transformer is in parallel with all of the others.

The maximum number of duplex outlets that can be served by a single 15 ampere 120V circuit is?

In general, it is recommended to have a maximum of 10 to 12 duplex outlets on a 15 amp 120V circuit to ensure the load is properly distributed. This number can vary based on local electrical codes and the specific devices connected to the outlets. It is advisable to consult with a qualified electrician for a more accurate assessment based on your specific needs.

What are the ratings and certificates for CSI Crime Scene Investigation - 2000 Justice Is Served 1-21?

CSI Crime Scene Investigation - 2000 Justice Is Served 1-21 is rated/received certificates of: Germany:16 Germany:16 (DVD rating)

What types of devices are best served with an isochronous connection?

Real-time applications are best used for isochronous connections. Examples devices include computer streaming a video, a cellular phone making a video call, a CCTV capturing and streaming security footage.

What are the ratings and certificates for CSI Crime Scene Investigation - 2000 Revenge Is Best Served Cold 3-1?

CSI Crime Scene Investigation - 2000 Revenge Is Best Served Cold 3-1 is rated/received certificates of: Germany:12 Germany:12 (DVD rating)

What is more advisble to use parallel or sries circuit at home?

Every outlet in a home is in parallel with every other outlet in the home. In fact, they're also all in parallel with every outlet in the home of every neighbor served by the same pole transformer. We all know that industries, and especially public utilities, always do everything in the most efficient, most beneficial, and all-around best way for everybody. So since parallel is how they always do it, we can be sure that it's the most advisable way.

Who are the men and women being released from prison?

People who have served their sentences.People who have served their sentences.People who have served their sentences.People who have served their sentences.