Adding and subtracting decimals is easy. When you put the numbers one above the other, line up the decimals vertically and treat as you would any whole number just keep the decimals in line and bring it straight down to your answer.
You write down the numbers you want to add and subtract, making sure the decimal points are aligned. Then, you add (or subtract) EXACTLY as you would add or subtract integers. The decimal point in the solution should be aligned with the decimal points in the original numbers.
align the decimals and subtract as you normally would. make sure after subtracting you bring the decimal down. replace empty space with zeros. for example: 1.340 - 1.3250 will look like this 1.340 - 1.3250 another example: 10.39485 - 9.847 will look like this. 10.39485 - 9.84700 <----see how I added zeros. When your done subtracting, you bring the decimal straight down to your answer. 7.584 - 5.483 _________ 2.101 SORRY, WHEN I POSTED IT MOVED ALL THE NUMBERS AND TRIED TO RE-POST TO GET THEM TO ALIGN
Expressed as a decimal, 7/10 is equal to 0.7.
A decimal represents a numerical value, less than one, by tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. For example: 1.25 is the whole number "one" plus 0.25, a value less than one. It is also 1 and 1/4th because 0.25 is 25/100ths, which reduces down to 1/4. Like decimals are when two or more decimals are reduced down they are the same my answer before was wrong. Like decimals have the same amount of numbers after the decimal example 5.21 and 9.62
line up the numbers and decimals multiply regularly then bring the decimal down
Adding and subtracting decimals is easy. When you put the numbers one above the other, line up the decimals vertically and treat as you would any whole number just keep the decimals in line and bring it straight down to your answer.
You line up the decimals with the thousandths and put the decimal straight down from where it is and just add with the decimal in the same spot.
You write down the numbers you want to add and subtract, making sure the decimal points are aligned. Then, you add (or subtract) EXACTLY as you would add or subtract integers. The decimal point in the solution should be aligned with the decimal points in the original numbers.
All the decimals that you can completely write down are rational. An irrational number has a decimal that never ends, so you can't write it down.
align the decimals and subtract as you normally would. make sure after subtracting you bring the decimal down. replace empty space with zeros. for example: 1.340 - 1.3250 will look like this 1.340 - 1.3250 another example: 10.39485 - 9.847 will look like this. 10.39485 - 9.84700 <----see how I added zeros. When your done subtracting, you bring the decimal straight down to your answer. 7.584 - 5.483 _________ 2.101 SORRY, WHEN I POSTED IT MOVED ALL THE NUMBERS AND TRIED TO RE-POST TO GET THEM TO ALIGN
Expressed as a decimal, 7/10 is equal to 0.7.
Decimals are the equivalent of fractions. get rid of the decimal in the divisor by moving it to the right end of the number, count spaces moved and move the decimal in the dividend the same number of spaces (adding zeros if necessary). This works because to get an equivalent fraction you multiply the numerator (dividend) and the denominator (divisor) by the same number. Moving a decimal to the right is the same as multiplying by 10, 100, 1000, etc. if you move the decimal 1, 2, 3, etc. spaces so you are in effect multiplying both by these multiples of 10 by moving the decimal the same number of spaces. After this just follow the rules for division, divide an appropriate number of spaces, multiply, subtract, bring down, etc.
You bring it straight down.
Grace The rule for dividing decimals is: dad: divide mom: multiply sister: subtract brother: Bring down Rover: Repeat
Where the decimal is placed you just have to bring it straight down.
You have not given a decimal value. However, to convert decimals to fractions Taking say 0.25 .Since there two zeroes place the decimal over '1.00'. Hence, 0.25 / 1.00 Cancel down the decimal point 25/100 Cancel down by '25' 1/4 The answer. For decimals to three/four etc decimals places, place over three/four etc. zeroes. This is good for finite decimals. However for recurring to infinity decimals e,g, 0.444444.... We say : - Let P = 0.4444.... Multiply through by '10' Hence 10P = 4.4444.... We then subtract the first decimal from the second. Hence 10P - P = 4.444... - 0.444... 9P = 4 (NB the recurring decimals subtract to zero. Hence P = 4/9 For such a decimal as pi = 3.141592.... This is an IRRATIONAL decimal, which means it cannot be converted into a ratio (fraction). Such values as 22/7 = 3.1428... is only an APPROXIMATION , not an equality. 4