You don't use 'and' before 'etc', because in that case 'and' is obsolete.
Acquiring, recieving, gaining, etc.
you just say "otha"; duuh!
Oh, dude, you just say it like "one googol." Yeah, like a googol is just a 1 followed by a hundred zeros. So, next time you need to impress someone with a really big number, just drop that googol bomb on them.
NATHAN! Nathan? NaTHAN. NAthan. etc.
another way to say period is: dot. dot menstrual cycle girls days etc... you get it right??
Why not just say "not insulated"? Or you could say "exposed" or "unprotected", etc.
Inaha : just like when you say ( that, there, who .. etc. )
Bazzinga? Nah just kidding, be nice, say hello's etc.
No, just be the first to say it to her cuz a lot of times, the girl just want to say I love you first for no particular reason.
Silence Silence
if your confident enough to say it to his face (if not use facebook,msn etc) just say that you have noticed him looking at you differently or that someone told you he liked you and just say the feeling isn't mutual :) be nice !
Most will just say that as a sign to feel "in the crowd" like in some places having sex makes you cool, or taking drugs. etc. etc.
He probably moved on. Lost contact. No way to contact you. etc.. Just hope the best =].
It really doesn't have a real meaning to the word but i just just say it's a game you play such as gold fish, spads, etc.
Its just their vocal sound. Like, us humans use words, like "cat" and, "dog" and such. Dogs bark, cows moo, etc. etc.
oh easy you just say to her your boyfriend is lucky if she say yea i gues that means yes if she says what boyfriend or i don't...etc that means no
is just a form of greeting your friends and acquaintances, or you might say Good Day or Good Morning, Good Afternoon etc, However, Just saying means you don't have to say which part of the day it is.