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On foot I think :)

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Q: Do you walk on foot or by foot?
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Why didn't Tudor people walk on foot?

They did walk on foot. How else would they walk?

Why do you have a foot?

So I walk.

Who walk on foot?


How does man walk?

When we walk on the ground our foot pushes the ground backward, and in return, the ground pushes our foot forward. The forward reaction exerted by the ground pushes our foot forward. The forward reaction exerted by the ground on our foot makes us walk forward.

Do supermarkets deliver by foot?

yes they walk to the supermarkets by foot sometimes

Can you walk without the ball of foot?


If you have a foot but cannot walk. Who am I?

A snail

Did the Navajo walk on foot?

MOST Everyone learns to walk............ MOST Everyone learns to walk............

What is the use of the human foot?

You walk with it. it balances you out

What are other words that mean walk?

on foot

How does the foot of the chicken help the chicken?

To walk

What do you call a person who walk on foot?

A pedestrian.