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The dotation in most of Europe is done with a DOT and not a COMMA to seperate thousands. So what USA calls 1,200,000 is in europe 1.200.000 or 1 million twoo hunderd thousand (1 point 2 million). The strange point is that in the USA they say 1 point 2 million but they write 1 comma 2 million. :p

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Q: Does 1.200 mean 1200 euros
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one thousand two hundred euros or twelve hundred euros.

How much is 1200 euros in dollars?

You should either use Google ( and type in "1200 euros in dollars" or use a currency converter (such as because rates change all the time.

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In order to convert from one currency to another just write in google amount of first currency = ? secoond currency. like in our case write 1200 dollars = ? Euros press enter and there you go answer is in front of you just in one click

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saw a website that said 1200 euros in holland- not sure if that is average or expensive! (March 2008)

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