The LCM is 1080.
When 180 is decreased by 40% the result is 108.
Yes. 108 is evenly divisible by six.
It can be.
40 is what percent of 108:= 40 / 108= 0.37037Converting decimal to a percentage:0.37037 * 100 = 37.04%
The LCM is 1080.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 40 108 is 1,080.
It is: 108-43.2 = 64.8
108/480 or 9/40
When 180 is decreased by 40% the result is 108.
108 is a multiple of 3, so the LCM of 3 and 108 is 108.
Well, honey, the least common multiple (LCM) of 40, 60, and 108 is 360. So, if you're looking for a number that all three of these can divide into without leaving a remainder, 360 is your lucky winner. Hope that helps, sweetheart!
is: 4
18 / 108 is equal to 0.166667