"A Greek mathematician and inventor named Archimedes" is the complete subject.
A lot of the records of anything he did where burned to we dont know anything about who his mother or brothers and sisters or if they exist.
One of the things that Archimedes did not do is that Archimedes did not write Elements of Geometry.
what was archimedes arwared
He does not have a first name or last name, he is simply known as Archimedes or Archimedes of Syracuse!
Archimedes didnt get Nobel prize. Some of his discoveries / inventions are: Archimedes principle, Archimedes screw, claw of Archimedes.
Merlin's owl is named Archimedes.
If anything hes underrated
Archimedes and Boris (;
Archimedes did not conquer anything. He was a scientist, not a general or a politician.
Archimedes principle is 'When a solid body is immersed wholly or partially in a liquid, then there is same apparent loss in its weight. This loss in weight is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the body.' It was given by Archimedes so it was named after him.
"A Greek mathematician and inventor named Archimedes" is the complete subject.
he didn't die of anything he just got killed by a roman soldier.
A lot of the records of anything he did where burned to we dont know anything about who his mother or brothers and sisters or if they exist.
Most likely, although not for certain, Archimedes' father was an astronomer named Phidias and two of his friends were Conon of Samos and Eratosthenes of Cyrene. My source is linked below.
Archimedes invented Archimedes' screw.
No anything is not named after Otis Williams.