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Q: Does Data almost always involves numbers?
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Is data always numbers?

data are not alway numbers sometimes it have letters in it.

Are data always numbers?

No it can be word data

What is the type of data that involves numbers?

categorical is a data with numbers for example a table graph ! for 1st place and 2nd place its categorical !

What is the differnce between quantitative data and qualitative data?

Quantitative data involves numbers, either measurable or countable values. Qualitative data involves something descriptive like color or shape.

In which form are observations and experimental data almost always recorded and analyzed?

Observational and experimental data are almost always recorded and analyzed in numerical form.

Which form are observational and experimental data almost always recorded and analyzed?

Observational and experimental data are almost always recorded and analyzed in numerical form.

In what form are observational and experimental data almost always recorded and analyzed?

Observational and experimental data are almost always recorded and analyzed in numerical form.

Will a set of data always have a mode?

No, because sometimes sets of data can have different numbers and other sets of data can have modes in them.

What form are observations and experimental data almost always recorded and analyzed?

i dint know

What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative data?

A qualitative datum is one that is expressed as some quality/property of a particular entity, rather than a numerical value. Conversely, a quantitative datum is one that is expressed as a quantity (or number), as opposed to a quality of a particular entity. Hence, qualitative and quantitative data are essentially opposite data types.

Are the mean median and mode always numbers from a list of data?

the median and mode are but the mean is not

Which form are observational and experimental are always recorded and analyzed?

Observational and experimental data are almost always recorded and analyzed in numerical form.