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Q: Does Eddie griffin really have more than two nipples?
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Is it normal for girls nipples to have quite large openings in their nipples?

I definitely think you should see your doctor, it could just be REALLY dry skin which has caused your nipples to crack open and possibly be more sensitive. or it could be serious. How long has your nipples been like that?

Does it hurt when guys chew on your nipples?

not really if he bites hard enough, they might bleed. But anyway, it is really sexy if he chews on them. He will probably suck and lick your nipples as well as chew on them. But if he asks to, say yes and he will love you even more. When my boyfriend did it he sucked and chewed on my nipples till they bled, but the bleeding stopped later.

How do you errect your nipples?

You can squeeze and pinch your nipples and they will become more erect.

Who is more famous peter griffin or David Cameron?

Peter Griffin is more famous

Who is more famous Pingu or Peter Griffin?

Peter Griffin is more famous than Pingu

Do boys like pink or brown nipples?

i personally like brown nipples they are more appealing (they turn me on) but you have to be tan.

Why is it good that a pig has so many nipples?

This is an indication that she is a high milk producing sow, the more nipples she has the more milk she will be able to produce to feed the litter. The number of nipples does not affect the number of piglets she will reproduce.

What has the author Bartholemew Griffin written?

Bartholemew Griffin has written: 'Fidessa, more chaste than kind'

Can humans have more than 2 nipples?

Yea they can.

What is more popular a griffin or a Phoenix?

The Phoenix

How many nipples does a squirrel have?

Squirrels typically have 8 nipples, with four pairs located on their abdomen. These nipples allow the mother squirrel to nurse and care for their offspring.

Can a girl lick a girls breasts?

You can if you want to, and if she will let you. The breast has many nerves that can result in pleasure to the female by stimulating the breasts and/or the nipples.