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Yes; while on the shelf it has potential energy due to gravity of mgh where m = mass and g =gravity acceleration and h is height fom floor.

As it falls its potential energy is converted to kinetic energy mv squared/2 where v = velocity

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Q: Does a book falling from a shelf have gravitational energy?
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Why does a book on a high shelf have more potential energy than on a low shelf?

Since potential energy equals mgh. When h, height increases potential energy also increases. If h is 0 then p.e is 0/

What is the probability of five books being placed in alphabetical order of their titles if randomly put on a book shelf?

There are 5! (that is, 120) distinct ways to arrange five items. Only 1 of them will have the books in alphabetical order by title. So the probability that it happens by random is 1/120.

If a bookworm is eating 6 books each 2 inches and 200 pages and starts from page 1 in book 1 and ends at page 200 in book 6how many pages did he eat?

1200 pages. This is a simple question. All you have to do to arrive at your answer is multiply 200 times 6. ___ The above answer could be wrong, if the books are on a typical shelf. Page 1 of book 1 is on the right side, page 200 of the last book is on the left side. So, the bookwork doesn't have to go through the pages of the first volume, and of the last volume. ___ The above answers also assume that the bookworms are eating the entire pages rather than just a little bit of each as it burrows a hole. So, to answer we would not only need to know how the books are arranged, but also how the worm eats.

What is the hyperbole of a heavy math book?

The math book was as heavy as a mountain.

What are the 13 elements of Euclid?

Book I. The fundamentals of geometry: theories of triangles, parallels, and area. Book II. Geometric algebra. Book III. Theory of circles. Book IV. Constructions for inscribed and circumscribed figures. Book V. Theory of abstract proportions. Book VI. Similar figures and proportions in geometry. Book VII. Fundamentals of number theory. Book VIII. Continued proportions in number theory. Book IX. Number theory. Book X. Classification of incommensurables. Book XI. Solid geometry. Book XII.Measurement of figures. Book XIII. Regular solids.

Related questions

When a book is moved from a higher shelf to a lower shelf what changes?

Gravitational potential energy

Does a book sitting on a shelf have gravitational potential energy?


Is a book falling from a book shelf kinetic or potential?

When a book is falling from a bookshelf, it is in a state of kinetic energy because it is in motion. Potential energy arises when the book is stationary on the shelf due to its height above the ground.

What sort of energy does a book have if it falls off a high shelf?

Before it falls it has gravitational potential energy. While it falls, the potential energy gets converted to kinetic energy. Part of this gets dissipated by friction - mainly converted to heat. Once it hits the ground, all the energy will be converted to heat.

Give an example of gravitational potential energy?

a book sitting up on a shelf. gravity can potentionally pull it down if pushed.

Is a book on a shelf potential energy?

Yes it is. Because it has the POTENTIAL of falling off. Very simple physics, learned that in 6th grade.

If gravity is the only force present what is the total mechanical energy of a book falling off a shelf at a time when its potential energy is 50 J and its kinetic energy is 60 J?


The kinetic energy of a book on a shelf is equal to the work done to lift the book to the shelf?

no, but the POTENTIAL energy may equal the work done to life the book to the shelf

What is the relationship between the work done while moving a book to a higher bookshelf and the potential energy that the book has on higher shelf?

Potetial energy is the energy an object has because of its position or location, or its energy of position.

What energy of a book on a shelf is equal to the work done to lift the book to the shelf?

The potential energy of the book on the shelf is equal to the work done to lift the book to the shelf. This is because the potential energy of an object at a certain height is equivalent to the work done against gravity to lift it to that height.

What form of stored energy does a book have while it is still on a high shelf?

How does a book on a higher shelf have more potential energy than a book on the lower shelf

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