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Yes, if it's not a rectangle or a rhombus, 1. It can be a square, 2. It's still a parallelogram!

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Q: Does a parallelogram that is not a rectangle or a rhombus have four equal sides?
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Can arectangle be a rhobus?

Yes. A rectangle is a parallelogram with four right angles. A rhombus is a parallelogram with four equal sides. Therefore, if a rectangle has four equal sides, then it is a rhombus. If a rhombus has four right angles, it is a rectangle. In this case, the rectangle and the rhombus are a special type of parallelogram called a square.

Why is a square both a rectangle and a rhombus?

A rectangle is an oblong, as its sides are not equal. A square has equal sides. Therefore, a square is not a rectangle. A rhombus is a parallelogram with oblique angles and equal sides.

What does a rhombus have that a parallelogram doesn't?

ei .. rhombus is just a square that is slanted .. while parallelogram is a slanted rectangle .. parallelogram has length and width .. and it is not equal .. while rhombus has sides which are equal .. difference: rhombus has equal sides .. while the parallelogram doesnt have same sides ////

What is a parallelogram that is both a rectangle and rhombus?

Since a rectangle is a parallelogram with four right angles and the rhombus is a parallelogram with four equal sides with opposite sides complement to each other, the parallelogram that is both rectange and rhombus is the square.

Is a rhombus a parallelogram and why?

Technically it is because a rhombus is a parallelogram that has four sides of equal length in the same way that a square is technically a rectangle that has four sides of equal length.

What is a parallelogram that is not a rhombus or rectangle?

The rhombus (all four sides equal length) and rectangle (all four angles 90°) are both special cases of parallelogram. (2 pairs of parallel sides). There are many cases of parallelogram which are not either rhombus or rectangle. If a parallelogram has one pair of sides = 3, and the other pair of sides = 5, and none of the angles are 90°, then it is neither rhombus or rectangle.

What is a parallelogram quadrilateral with equal sides?

A parallelogram with equal sides is always a rhombus, could be a rectangle, and could also be a square.

Is a square a rectangle a rhombus a parallelogram or a trapezoid?

A square is a rectangle (whose sides are all equal), or a rhombus (whose angles are all equal).

Is square a parallelogram with all sides equal?

Not unless all angles are also equal. A rhombus is a parallelogram with all sides equal. A rectangle is a parallelogram with all angles equal. A square is a rhombus with all angles equal which is a parallelogram with all sides equal and all angles equal.

Is a rhombus a a parallelogram with all equal angles?

A RHOMBUS has four equal sides. However, it opposite angles are equal ,but its adjacent angles are NOT equal , but sum to 180 degrees.

Name four polygons with four sides?

quadrilateral -- any such trapezoid- two parallel sides parallelogram : two pairs of parallel sides rectangle - special type of parallelogram with a right angle rhombus: parallelogram with two equal adjacent sides. square: a rectangle with two equal adjacent sides or a rhombus that is a rectangle.

Why is a square both a rhombus and a rectangle?

A square is a rectangle. A square is a rectangle with equal sides. A rectangle Has to have 4 right angles (and only 4 corners). A Square has the same definition (4 right angles, and only 4 corners) but all the sides have to be equal. A square is not a rhombus. A rhombus is a parallelogram with equal sides. A parallelogram has to have 4 sides (2 pairs of equal sides.) The equal sides must be parallel. A rhombus has the same definition (4 sides - 2 pairs of equal sides. The equal sides must be parallel.) but all the sides have to be equal lengths.