No. Zero is the exception to the rule, as you cannot divide anything by zero. For everything else though, dividing by itself does indeed give 1.
Properties of Division: n/n =1, If n ≠ 0. Any number other than zero divided by itself is one.
One divided by negative one is written as 1/-1. This is the same thing as -1/1. The reason to write it the second way is because anything divided by 1 is itself. So the answer is -1.
It is 16/3.
One! As is anything divided by itself (except for zero which we really don't want to think hard about).
1 because anything other than 0, divided by itself is 1."One", if you divide any number by the same number, it will equal "one".---Spelling makes it hard to be sure what the question is (though I see it's filed under "baking"), so I'll try to address the major variations:Pi divided by pi is 1.
Anything divided by itself is always 1.
Anything divided by itself equals one.
Anything divided by itself is always one.
Any non-zero number divided by itself is equal to one.
Anything divided by one just equals itself. Like 8/1=8 6/1=6. So 16/1 just equals 16.
One. Because any number divided by itself equals one.
71 is divisible by one and itself.