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Q: Does every non vertical line have a slope and a y-intercept?
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The slope of every vertical line is?

The slope of any vertical Line is undefined because anything divided by zero is undefined.

Does every line has a slope and a y-intercept?

A vertical line has neither.

What slope does vertical line have?

A vertical line has a slope of infinity.

Slope of a vertical line?

The slope of a vertical line is undefined. Horizontal slope is 0.

What is the difference between a line with a slope of zero and no slope?

A line with slope of zero is horizontal. A line with no slope is vertical because slope is undefined on a vertical line.

What is the slope of a line parallel to a vertical line?

A vertical line has an undefined slope. For the line to be parallel to a vertical line, the slopes would have to be the same. Therefore, the line parallel to a vertical line also has an undefined slope.

What kind of slope does a vertical line have?

a vertical line has an undefined slope, while a horizontal slope has a slope of zero.

What describes the slope of a vertical line?

The slope of a line becomes extremely large in magnitude as the line approaches being vertical;and is undefined or infinite for a truly vertical line.

Which has a greater slope a horizontal or vertical line?

Vertical. Te horizontal like has zero slope ( no slope) and the vertical line has infinite (very very high) slope

Why can you use the point-slope formula when writing an equation of a horizontal line but not with a vertical line?

A vertical line HAS NO slope! The slope is undefined in this case.

Is an undefined slope a vertical or horizontal line?

An undefined slope is vertical.

What is the slope of all vertical lines?

The slope of a vertical line is not defined.