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The decimal digits of Pi never end; they continue infinitely. The digits also will never repeat. These are characteristics of Irrational Numbers. Rational numbers have decimal fractions that either come to an exact end, or they fall at some point into an infinitely repeating pattern. 1/5 equals .25 exactly, and 1/3 has a repeating decimal fraction of .3333_.

So far pi has been calculated out to at least 2.7 trillion decimal places, and since irrational numbers go on for infinitely many decimal places, we are nowhere near the end (and never will be, however hard we try). To keep things in perspective, by the time you reach 6 or 8 decimal places, you have pi to a tolerance good enough for almost any application we could ever imagine using on a practical level. If we ever need more decimal places than 8, we can go to the above calculation where there are a few waiting in the wings.

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Q: Does pi ever repeat or end?
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Do pi's digits repeat or end?

The digits of pi neither repeat or end. They go on forever, but they do not repeat themselves. (Pi is a irrational number, it cannot be written as a fraction).

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What kind of decimal that does not end or repeat?

An irrational number, for example pi or e or the square root of 2

Does pi's digits ever repeat or end?

No. Pi is a transcendental number which is a kind of irrational number. It has an infinite decimal representation which does not end nor does it go into a recurring cycle. That does not mean that there are no repeated digits, it simply means that digits may repeat themselves for a little while but then continue in what appears to be a random pattern. Not only does it not have an infinite decimal representation, but infinite binary, ternary, etc representations.

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What does irratinal number means?

It doesn't have an end and doesn't repeat. A few examples are pi and the square root of 7.

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Why does pie never end?

Pi never ends because it is a irrational number, which means that the digits never end or repeat in any known way.

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Subsets in mathematics are groups of unique numbers or objects that do not repeat themselves. An example of this would be a non-terminating decimal, such as pi (3.1419..) because none of the numbers in the equivalent ever end.

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Pi is not rational it is irrational because it does not stop or repeat

The number pi is adecimal that does not what?

It does not repeat.

How much does pi equals to?

Pi is approximately equal to 3.14159265. It is an irrational number, so it cannot be represented as a fraction and its decimal places never end or repeat, so it does not have an exact value.