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Assuming you are asking about an object that is placed on an inclined plane and the only forces acting on it are gravity and friction; as the slope of the plane increases, more of gravitational force is applied down the plane and less of the frictional force is applied to the object up the plane. Unless there is no frictional force, until the plane reaches a certain critical slope the gravitational force will not overcome the frictional force and the object will not move, and the average speed for the object will be zero regardless of the slope of the plane (below this critical slope).

As the slope increases there is an increase in the net force on the object down the plane which results in a higher acceleration down the plane, and with a higher acceleration it will reach a higher speed and so the average speed of the object down the plane will be higher.

So, yes, it can be said that the average speed of an object down an inclined plane is dependant on the slope of the plane.

If there are other forces involved, for example a motor, then the average speed will depend on these forces as well as the slope.

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9y ago

Speed can be affected by things other than steepness. Acceleration can come from a motor.

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The average speed can come from the amount of force applied to the object.

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