That is the decimal form.
.125 is in decimal form. :)
That is in decimal form.
It is already in decimal form.
5210. - .0125 = 5209.9875 A decimal does not have to be smaller than 0 so 5210 IS a decimal.
.0125. Percent means out of 100 or divide by 100. 1.25 divide by 100 means moving the decimal to the left two places = .0125.
There is not much that can be done to write out this decimal into a fraction, except to make it into the simplest form. With 4 digits in 0125, the very last digit is the "10000th" decimal place. So it would be 0125/10000.
Money is written in decimal for easier computation. Imagine if money is in fraction form, it will be hard for us to compute.
Yes, it can be done.
5.11 is a decimal, rounded to the nearest hundredth.
It would be about 0.37, or 0.38 if you round up.
Divide 2 by 11. You'll have to round the answer eventually, because it's a never-ending decimal.
1.6 hours
It's .5625 in decimal form which rounds to .6 or .56 in hundreths