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It changes more from 20 km/h to 30km/h.

-Answer from Penn State University Physics 001 Homework

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Q: Does the kinetic energy of a car change more when it's going from 10 km h to 20 km h or when it goes from 20 km h to 30 km h?
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potential energy that converts to kinetic energy

What energy is used when a person is falling from a building?

It is kinetic. Someone/something going from its gravitational (not moving) energy to then moving, creates kinetic energy, because it goes from stationary to moving. GRAVITATIONAL ------> KINETIC

How does the energy in a skateboard change as it goes down hill?

the skateboards potential energy becomes kinetic energy and heat energy.

How does kinetic energy change with each state of matter?

When any substance goes from solid to liquid to gas, the kinetic energy of the molecules increases.Molecules in the gaseous state have the most kinetic energy.Molecules in the solid state have the least kinetic energy.

Does kinetic energy have chemical energy?

no, kinetic energy is the energy below so if u hold a ball up in the air it has most potential energy but if u drop the ball the potential energy goes down and the kinetic energy goes up.

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What does mechanical energy in own words?

Mechanical energy is a combination of its potential and kinetic energy. For example when a goes forward that is potential energy when it stops that is kinetic energy. thanks(:

During a change is state energy is transferred in the form of?

Usually in the form of increased or decreased kinetic energy of the molecules and added or reduced inter-molecular potential energy. Which way it goes depends on the direction of change in state.

During a change in state energy is transferred in the form of .?

Usually in the form of increased or decreased kinetic energy of the molecules and added or reduced inter-molecular potential energy. Which way it goes depends on the direction of change in state.

During a change in state energy is transferred in the form of?

Usually in the form of increased or decreased kinetic energy of the molecules and added or reduced inter-molecular potential energy. Which way it goes depends on the direction of change in state.

A roller coaster going down the first drop is an example of?

At the top of the first hill, the coaster car has stored the maximum amount of potential energy. This is shown in the equation for potential energy, PE=mgh, where h is the height. The greater the height, the greater the potential energy. During the drop, potential energy is being converted into kinetic energy. The equation for kinetic energy is KE=(1/2)mv^2, where v is the velocity of the coaster car. The faster the car is going, the greater the kinetic energy. So as the car goes faster, the kinetic energy grows. But as the car goes down, h is getting lower, lowering the potential energy.

What is the meaning of kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy of a substance is the energy of motion of its particles. Temperature is a measure of this quality. When you increase the kinetic energy of a substance, you increase the motion and collisions between its particles, and its temperature goes up.