

Does the letter x have an obtuse angle?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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It has two.

One here ->X

and one here X<-

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Q: Does the letter x have an obtuse angle?
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No But X is

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If x is acute, then x &lt; 90 and -x &gt; -90. Adding 180 to both sides, 180-x &gt; 90, i.e. the supplement of x is obtuse.

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It is an obtuse angle. It is an obtuse angle. It is an obtuse angle. It is an obtuse angle.

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It could be capital letter A

What letter in the alphabet has an obtuse angle?


What letters of the alphabet have obtuse angles?

There is no letter in the alphabet that has an obtuse angle.

How much can dregrees a obtuse have?

An obtuse angle is one that has between 90 and 180 degrees. So if x is the number of degrees in an angle, then to be obtuse, the following statement must be true: 90&lt;x&lt;180

What is a 145 degree angle?

An obtuse angle.

Why is a obtuse angle called a obtuse angle?

A obtuse angle is called an obtuse angle because if obtuse means bigger in degrees and a right angle is 90 degrees than a obtuse angle must be over 90 degrees.

What kinds of angle in the letter r?

3 right angles, one obtuse angle