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Not at all. If the two variables have a negative correlation, that is as on increases the other decreases, then the line of best fit would have a negative gradient.

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Q: Does the line of best fit have to have a positive gradient?
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Does the line of best fit always have a positive gradient?

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If plotting a graph and are producing a straight line to find a gradient: You plot a line of best fit, then you plot two other lines starting from the same point which show the extreme lines of best fit (do this in fainter lines so that the best one stands out). Find the gradients for all three lines, use the first line that you drew as the main value. Then find the largest difference between the middle line and the extreme lines E.g. if the gradient of the lines were: First line gradient = 1.2 Second (Top extreme line of best fit) gradient =1.5 Third (Minimum extreme line of best fit) gradient = 1.0 Find the larget difference: 1.5-1.2=0.3 1.0-1.2=-0.2 Therefore the largest difference is 0.3 (not 0.2) Therefore your final result would be: 1.2 (+-) 0.3 I hope this helps :D

What are the trends of a line?

They can be positive correlation, negative correlation or no correlation depending on 'line of best fit'

What is the correlation on a graph?

a correlation on a graph is when the line of best fit is positive, negative or none.

Is the best fit line the same as the line of best fit?

Yes but phrased differently

What happens if x and y are unrelated?

the whole sum is messed up * * * * * You get a line of "best fit" whose gradient is zero. The correlation coefficient and the covariance are statistically no different from zero.

What is a line of best fit on a line graph?

The line that minimized the sum of the squares of the diffences of each point from the line is the line of best fit.

What is a line that is not a line but is almost a line?

A line of best-fit.

Why does best fit line does not touch all data points?

Because the "best fit" line is usually required to be a straight line, but the data points are not all on one straight line. (If they were, then the best-fit line would be a real no-brainer.)

What is the difference between a trend line and a line of best fit and how are they useful in analyzing data?

What is the difference between a trend line and a line of best fit

Does the line of best fit have to start from the origin?

The line of best fit does not have to pass through the 0 (origin) and rarely does

What is the process of finding line of best fit called?

Finding the line of best fit is called linear regression.