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Q: Doubling in size every 5 minutes It takes exactly an hour to fill the whole dish How many minutes does it take to fill half the dish?
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How long does it take to walk 0.8 km?

Around 8 minutes it takes to walk 0.8 km

How many minutes does it take to drive 98 km?

At 98 KMH it takes exactly 60 minutes.

How long does it take traveling 240 miles in 5 hours?

It takes exactly 300 minutes.

How do you say it takes me thirty minutes to get to school every day in French?

It takes me thirty minutes to get toschool every days is "Cela me prend trente minutes pour aller à l'école chaque jour" or "Il me faut trente minutes ...." in French.

You walked from home to school in 30 minutes your brother takes 40 minutes your brother leaves home 5 minutes before you do If I leave at 7h00 at what time will I overtake him?

You will overtake him at 7h15. As you take 30 minutes to complete the entire distance, you will be exactly halfway after 15 minutes (half of 30 is 15), making it 7h00 + 15 minutes = 7h15. As your brother takes 40 minutes to complete the entire distance, he will be exactly halfway after 20 minutes (half of 40 is 20), making it 6h55 + 20 minutes = 7h15. So, at 7h15 you will both be exactly halfway, the point at which you meet, and thus the point and time at which you overtake him.

What is the exact time of a leap year?

It takes exactly 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds.

How long does its takes to the earth?

A lot of people think that it takes exactly 24 hours but it doesn't. It takes 23 hours and 56 minutes. This answer is from Brooke Graham.365 days for a REVOLUTION24 days for rotation

How long does it takes to the earth rotation?

A lot of people think that it takes exactly 24 hours but it doesn't. It takes 23 hours and 56 minutes. This answer is from Brooke Graham.365 days for a REVOLUTION24 days for rotation

The Earth travels around the sun every?

it takes exactly one year for the earth to travel around the sun

How long does it take for mars to make a full rotation?

Almost exactly as long as Earth takes (Earth is 23 hours and about 58 minutes). Mars is 24 hours and 38 minutes.

What is every 30 minutes on the hour and half-hour?

It refers to an even which occurs at the frequency of once every 30 minutes and that the times of occurrence are on the whole hour and at 30 minutes (half an hour) past the hour.The first part of the sentence gives the frequency (every 30 minutes) and the second gives the phase shift. The latter is to distinguish its timing from an event which takes place every 30 minutes but at 10 minutes and 40 minutes past each hour

Is it true that every hour you watch tv it takes 12 minutes from your life?

no it is not true what it does is it takes your brain cells and makes them dissapear you can gain them back though