365 can be used as an improper fraction as 365 over 1.
express 3 days as a fraction of the month of
20% as a fraction is 1/5
parts of a whole number
3.56 = 89/25 as an improper fraction in simplest terms or 356/100 as an improper fraction.
It is simply 356/1 as an improper fraction
356/1000 = 89/250
It is: 3.56*10^2
365 can be used as an improper fraction as 365 over 1.
3.56 = 356/100 = 314/25
express 3 days as a fraction of the month of
To turn the decimal 3.56 into a fraction, we first count the number of decimal places, which is 2. Then, we move the decimal point two places to the right to make it a whole number, which gives us 356. This becomes the numerator of the fraction. The denominator is determined by the number of decimal places, so the fraction is 356/100. Simplifying it further, we get 89/25.
356/100 = 178/50 = 89/25
9 is am integer, not really a fraction. But you can express it as 9/1.9 is am integer, not really a fraction. But you can express it as 9/1.9 is am integer, not really a fraction. But you can express it as 9/1.9 is am integer, not really a fraction. But you can express it as 9/1.
80 is an integer, not a fraction and there is no sensible way to express it as a fraction.