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8 collinear points determine 28 unique line segments

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Q: Find the number of diffrent segments formed by 8 collinear points?
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What is the greatest number of line segments determined by six coplanar points when no three are collinear?

6*5/2 = 15.

A closed figure formed by a finite number of coplanar segments called sides is what?

a polygon.

How can you tell if two vectors are collinear?

If one vector is a multiple of the other vector than they are collinear).Let n equal any natural number (1, 2, 3, 4, ...) and vequal a vector with both amagnitudeand a = nv (e.g., v3 = 3v)Vn will always be collinear to v, because it is just a multiple of v (the multiple being n)To verify if two vectors are collinear, if you can factor out a multiple, to return to theoriginalvector, than they are collinear.

How many non-collinear points are there in one plane?

There are an infinite number of any kind of points in any plane. But once you have three ( 3 ) non-collinear points, you know exactly which plane they're in, because there's no other plane that contains the same three non-collinear points.

What is the greatest number of planes that can pass through three collinear points?

The points are collinear, and there is an infinite number of planes that contain a given line. A plane containing the line can be rotated about the line by any number of degrees to form an unlimited number of other planes.If, on the other hand, the points are not collinear, then the plane has no wriggle room: it is stuck fast in one place - there can be only one plane containing all the points. Provided they are non-colinear, three points will define a plane.

Related questions

What is the greatest number of line segments determined by six coplanar points when no three are collinear?

6*5/2 = 15.

How do you determine the number of segments that can be drawn connecting each pair of points?

If there are n points then the maximum number of lines possible is n*(n-1)/2 and that maximum is attained of no three points are collinear.

What is the greatest number of planes that can pass throughg 3 collinear points?

If the points are collinear, the number of possible planes is infinite. If the points are not collinear, the number of possible planes is ' 1 '.

A closed figure formed by a finite number of coplanar segments called sides is what?

a polygon.

The greatest number of planes that can pass through three collinear points?

You can have an infinite number of planes passing through three collinear points.

How many planes can be passed through three points?

Only one if they are non-collinear. An infinite number if they are collinear.

Does collinear have three points?

Collinear means in the same straight line. And since a line consists of an infinite number of points, collinear has an infinite number of points - not just 3. n the other hand, while any two points must be collinear (they have to both be on the line that joins them), it is always possible to find a third point which is not collinear with the first two (Euclid).

How do you find the number of rays given the number of point?

The answer depends on whether any of the points are collinear: that is, whether they lie on the same line. No matter how many points you have, if they are all collinear you will have only one ray.If you have N points, the maximum number of rays is attained when no three of them are collinear. This number is N*(N-1)/2.

What is the number of segments for a spider?

They have two body segments and four leg segments.

Do all oranges have the same number of segments?

No all organs don't have same number of segments

The smallest number that can be divided by two or more diffrent denometors?

the smallest number that can be dividied by two or more diffrent denominators.

What is Santa door number?

Santa does not have a door number because he has many diffrent workshops for many diffrent kinds of elf's.