The numerical decrease is 120 - 84 = 36. The percentage decrease is thus 100 x (36/120) = 30%.
To convert 84 100ths (0.84) to percent multiply by 100: 0.84 × 100 = 84 %
40 off 140 is 100. 40% off 140 is 84.
12% of 84 = 12% * 84 = 0.12 * 84 = 10.08
Decrease from 140 to 84 = 56 Percentage decrease = 56/140 * 100 = 40%
It is a 40% decrease.
Subtract the two numbers. Take the difference and divide by the original number an change to a per cent. 140-84=16 16/140=.1142857... about 11.4% decrease
84/60 x 100 = 140 Therefore, 84 is 140 percent of 60.
84 is 140% of 60.
The answer is 140. 60% of 140 is 84
12.5% decrease.
0.6 or 60%.
127 to 84 is a decrease of 33.8583%
70% decrease.
120 to 84 is a 30% decrease.