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(8-2)*180 = 1080 degrees

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Q: Find the sum of the interior angles of a regular octagon?
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Find the sum of the measures of the interior angles of an octagon?

ANY n-sided polygon has interior angles that sum to 180(n - 2) degrees. For an octagon this is 180 x 6 ie 1080 degrees (so the individual interior angles of a regular octagon are 135 degrees).

What is the formula used to find the sum of the interior angles of a regular octagon?

(8-2)*180 = 1080 degrees

How do you find the interior angles of a octagon?

if you are talking about a regular octagon. or any polygon, Take the number of sides ( 8 for an Octagon) minus 2 and multiply by 180 for the total of all interior angles. (8-2)180 = 1080 divide this by the 8 angles for the measure of each individual angle. 1080/8 = 135 By the way a "regular" polygon is one where all the sides and angles are the same. Good luck.

How do you find a regular octagon with size 5 cm?

It is an octagon each of whose sides is 5 cm long and each of whose interior angles measures 135 degrees.

How do you find the angle in a regular octagon?

There's a really handy little formula. The total number of degrees in a polygon (the sum of the interior angles) is equal to (2n-4) right angles or (2n-4)x90 degrees. So for an octagon, the sum of the interior angles is 2x8-4 right angles = 16-4 right angles = 12 right angles or 12x90 degrees = 1080 degrees. To find one angle, divide this by 8 and you get 135 degrees.

How do you find the interior angles of an octagon?

You must first realize that Abe Lincoln is an ancient alien.

How do you find the square foot of an octagon?

The answer depends on whether or not the octagon is regular and also on what information about its side lengths, angles, etc you have.

What are angles in a octagon?

To find the interior angle of a regular n sided shape you use the following formula: (n-2)180/n To calculate the angle size for an octagon, which has 8 sides, you simply plug n=8 into this equation. That gives (8-2)180/8 =6x180/8 =135 Thus the angles in a regular octagon are all 135 degrees.

Find the number of sides of a polygon if each interior angle is 180?

A polygon with each interior angle measuring 180 degrees is a regular octagon. In a regular octagon, all the sides are the same length and all the interior angles are the same. Therefore, since each interior angle is 180 degrees, the number of sides is 8. You can use the formula n - 2, where n is the number of sides, to find the number of sides for any regular polygon. In this case, n - 2 = 8 - 2 = 6. Since 6 is the number of sides, the polygon is an octagon.

How do you find interior angles non regular pentagon?

The sum of the interior angles of an n-gon is (n-2)*180 degrees - whether or not it is regular. If it is non regular you cannot find the individual angles without a lot more information.

A Find the sum of the interior angles of a regular 20-gon?

The sum of the interior angles add up to 3240 degrees.

To find the sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon?

The sum of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon is 180n - 360 degrees.