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I'll write it as pseudocode; you can easily convert it to a flowchart.

If your number is more than 0

(Your number is positive)

else if your number is less than 0

(your number is negative)


(your number is equal to zero)

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Q: Flowchart to check whether an integer is positive or negative?
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All of the numbers that are in Positive and Negative sign are Integers , whether they reach 1 million if it has Positive or Negative sign it is considered as Integer .

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noNo. There are positive and negative integers. Zero is also an integer.-----------------------An integer simply means a whole number/value. It shouldn't matter whether it is positive or negative.

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Any integer, whether it is positive or negative, is a rational number.

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Yes - integers are called so no matter whether they are positive or negative.

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The statement is: "Their sum is always an integer." Whether the sum is negative or positive depends on the two original integers.

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No, -8.5 is not an integer. An integer is a number without any fractions.

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Any integer, whether positive or negative, is a rational number. It can be expressed as a fraction with a negative numerator and a denominator of 1.

What is the least 5-digit number?

Well it would depend... If it was an integer, it would technically be -10000, (since a negative is less than a positive). But if it didn't matter whether it was negative or positive (just the absolute value), it would be 0.0001 - granted the number didn't have to be an integer.

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12 is the ratio of 12 and 1 ... nice and rational.

Is negative 15 rational?

Yes - any integer, whether positive or negative, is rational. Rational numbers are defined as those which can be expressed as a ratio or non-recurring fraction or decimal.