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Given any positive odd integer x the number of positive even integers less than x is given by


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Q: For any positive integer x how many positive even integers are less than x is it x or x minus 1 or x plus 1 divided by 2 or x minus 1 divided by 2 or x divided by 2?
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When do you know when the integers are positive and negative?

If the number is zero, then it is neither positive nor negative.For all other integers: If there is a minus sign, "-", before the integer, then it is negative. If there is a plus sign, "+", before the integer or no sign at all, then it is positive.

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Add the positive values of the 7 integers and put a minus sign before the answer.

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following multiplication integer rules and division rules, you should get: "MULTIPLICATION: minus times minus is plus (negative x negative = positive).....minus times plus is minus (negative x positive = negative) times plus is plus (positive x positive = positive) DIVISION: minus divi minus is plus (negative ÷ negative = positive)......minus divi plus is minus (negative ÷ positive = negative) divi plus is plus (positive ÷ positive = positive)" a division problem is a multiplication problem in disguise

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No, a positive minus a negative can be either or positive or a negative.

The quotient of a negative integer and a positive integer is?

The quotient of a positive integer by a negative is always negative. Say this to yourself a couple times: "MULTIPLICATION: minus times minus is plus (negative x negative = positive).....minus times plus is minus (negative x positive = negative) times plus is plus (positive x positive = positive) DIVISION: minus divi minus is plus (negative ÷ negative = positive)......minus divi plus is minus (negative ÷ positive = negative) divi plus is plus (positive ÷ positive = positive)"

Why is the product of a positive integer and a negative integer a negative integer?

I honestly don't know :D but heres something to help you "MULTIPLICATION: minus times minus is plus (negative x negative = positive).....minus times plus is minus (negative x positive = negative) times plus is plus (positive x positive = positive) DIVISION: minus divi minus is plus (negative ÷ negative = positive)......minus divi plus is minus (negative ÷ positive = negative) divi plus is plus (positive ÷ positive = positive)"

What is the integers of 9 degree below zero?

The integer is still 9. It is a signed integer; the sign is minus.

Can a minus number be an integer?

Yes, since an integer is a number, which can be divided by 1 without remainder. So, negative numbers without fractional part still count as integers. The only exception is 0.

Can a subtraction expression with a positive integer and a negative integer have a difference of zero?

No, not counting zero,the difference is always positive since minus a minus is plus

What is the formation of negative and positive integers?

the sum of 2021 nonnegative integers is 2020. what is the product of the numbers

Are positive numbers are integers?

No. you could have, for example, -4 or 4 (or any other minus or positive number). Both are integers.