Expressed as a percentage, 14/25, or fourteen twenty-fifths, is equal to 14/25 x 100 = 62 percent.
14/25 (14 divided by 25) = 0.56To convert 0.56 to a percent, multiply by 100: 0.56 × 100 = 56 %
Fourteen = 14 I million = 1,000,000 Twenty five = 25 So, fourteen million twenty five = 14,000,025
To find the percent of something take the percent and move the decimal point two places to the left (25% becomes .25) and then multiply that number by the number you want the percent of (so .25x60).
7 is 25% of 28
Expressed as a percentage, 14/25, or fourteen twenty-fifths, is equal to 14/25 x 100 = 62 percent.
When you mulitply any number by .25 your answer will be 25 percent of the number.
45 is 25 percent of the number 180
56%14/25:= 14 ÷ 25= 0.56 in decimal= 0.56 * 100%= 56%
14/25 (14 divided by 25) = 0.56To convert 0.56 to a percent, multiply by 100: 0.56 × 100 = 56 %
Fourteen percent of fifty is seven.
To determine what 25 percent of a number is, multiply the number by 0.25
121 is 25 percent of 484.
25 percent of 8x = 2x
25 percent of 180 is 45.
25% of 280% = 0.7