

Fraction word problems

Updated: 4/28/2022
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the age of aslam is 25 and ajaz is 55 what fraction aslam will represent after 5 years

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Joanna's milkshake recipe calls for 5 of a scoop of ice cream and Louis's recipe calls for


1 of a scoop. How many more scoops of ice cream are used in Joanna's recipe than in Louis's


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The answer will depend on what test: in which school or college, at what level.

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turning this into an equation and solving: In word problems, the word of generally means to multiply. The word isgenerally would mean equals. Question words like whatusually refer to the variable to be solved for.(fraction) x 10.00 = 2.50 means to solve and express the answer in fraction form.divide both sides by 10.00: fraction = 2.50 / 10.00 ---> 1.00 / 4.00 ---> 1/4

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Does the word fraction have a prefix?

No. Fraction is one, whole, single word.

Is fraction a noun?

Yes, the word 'fraction' is a noun, a word for a part of a whole; a word for a thing.

Is fraction a three syllable word?

No the word fraction has two syllables. Frac-tion.

What is a compound word for the word fraction?


Is problems an adverb?

No, the word problems is not an adverb.The word problems is a noun and sometimes an adjective.

What is a two word phrase that indicates a ratio or fraction?

out of

What is the vocab word for a fraction with a denominator of one?

It is called a unit fraction.