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Q: Functions are based on rules called?
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What are the rules of governing a storage and supply of computer based information?

Data Protection Act

A set of rules that is based upon recurring facts or events that have been carefully documented is called?

A set of rules that is based upon recurring facts or events that have been carefully documented is called a scientific law.

What functions does Windows XP have?

J.T. rules

Another name for mathematical rules?


How are arithmetic rules and linear functions alike?

They are not.

Does the world have rules that make things happen?

People make rules and they are called laws/rights. Based on logical reasoning of humans well being and greed.

What type of thinking involves determining what must be true based on given rules and conditions?

This is called deductive reasoning.

Is there a movie based on the book Rules and what is the name of it?

There is no movie based on the book Rules by Cynthia Lord.

What term is defind as mathemtical equations based on rules of physics?

They are often called laws.They are often called laws.They are often called laws.They are often called laws.

What are the functions of phonological rules of English language?

The function of phonological rules in our life is to avoid misunderstanding and miscommunication words

When you form general ideas and rules based on your experience and oberservations you call that form of reasoning?

Forming conclusions based on experience and observations is called inductive reasoning

What are the rules in ordering operations?

You need to know it's functions and prices