the simplest answer to that is that whole numbers do not have decimals or fractions.
Examples of non-count (mass) nouns:adviceairaluminumangerartasphaltattirebaggagebeefbloodbreadbutterchalkcheesechesscoffeeconcretecoppercouragedewdiligencedirtdusteducationelectricityenjoymentequipmentexhaustfishflourfoodfunfurnituregarbagegoldgraffitigrassgravityhappinesshardwareheliumhelphomeworkhonestyhoneyhouseworkhumidityhydrogeninformationinsurance
A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.Some examples are:airareaartbackbodybookbusinesscarcasechangechildcitycommunitycompanycountrydaydeskdoorendeyefacefactfamilyfatherfoodfriendgamegirlgovernmentgrouphandheadhealthhistoryhomehourhouseideainformationislandissuejobkidkindlawlevellifelinelotlunchmanmemberminutemomentmoneymonthmorningmothernamenightnumberofficeopinionparentpartpartypeoplepersonplacepointpowerpresidentproblemprogramquestionreasonresearchresultrightroomschoolservicesidesoupstatestorystudentsystemteacherteamthingtimewarwaterweekwomanwordworkworldyear
air has weight
what is the verb complement
A square root is multiplied by itself to get a given whole number.
Examples: density, hardness, boiling point, refractive index.
non metals give acidic oxides e.g S,Cetc
a whole number with a fraction 1 and one half | 1/ | / 2
Some examples of physical properties that can be measured include mass, volume, density, temperature, and conductivity. These properties help to describe the characteristics of a material or substance based on its physical nature.
Some examples of materials with magnetic properties include iron, nickel, and cobalt. These elements are known as ferromagnetic materials because they can be magnetized easily and retain their magnetism. Other examples include alloys like steel and ferrites.
Some examples of the properties of multiplication are the idenity property are EX./ 5*1=5 Then there is the associative property. EX./ 7*(5*6)=5*(6*7) Communative property EX./5*4=4*5 zero property EX./ 5*0=0
give 5 examples of infix
1 As whole numbers 2 As prime numbers 3 Arithmetical calculations without fractions or decimals
The polar properties of water give it such a high specific temperature.
How can you work unsupervised give examples?"
Chemical properties are characteristics of a substance that describe how it reacts with other substances to form new substances. Examples include flammability (like paper burning) and reactivity (like iron rusting).
JavaScript is a prototype based object oriented language. This means that it doesn't have classes.