One million years.
1.90 years old.
you have lived 409968000 seconds in 13 years 409968000 seconds
114.16 years old
The moon cycles once per month therefore 969/12 = 80.75. The average life expectancy was 30 to 40 years old.
600 years old
Noah Lived to be...Yes,he maybe he lived more.
283824000 seconds.
You can call anyone who has lived 100 years a Centenarian.
No. Someone who has lived 100 years or more is a centenarian.
He was 600 years old!
i think it is Rodney anoi a wwf wrestler who died at 34 years old in 2000. he weighed 600 pounds
it is about 600 YEARS OLD.
People lived 800 or even 900 years. But once man fell very deeply in sin during the flood of Noah, man then lived 70 odd years only.
A person who has lived for a million years would be a million years old.
about 600 years!
Ask someone else.