149 is the only prime number betweeen 140 and 150.
Put 140 to 150 on a number then you check which is the nearest to 148.
150 is not an odd number, it is even
Number - (0.30*Number) Example: A 30% decrease of 150 150 - (0.30*150) = 105
The greatest common factor of 140 and 150 is 10.
149 is the only prime number betweeen 140 and 150.
Put 140 to 150 on a number then you check which is the nearest to 148.
95+65+140+145+150 = 695
In fetus and new born 140 to 150. Then the number gradually reduces to about 70 to 90 in the adults.
150 cm * 140 cm = 1.5 m * 1.4 m = 2.1 sq m
140 or 150