Answer this question… Historical claims that are logically and factually strong are said to have ________.
the shell shape makes it strong.
Two synonyms for the word 'strong' are 'tough' and 'capable'
Some alternative words for strong are forceful, robust, strapping, and mighty.
1 cube + 5 cube + 3 cube = 153 thtsy 153 is aram strong number
In legal terms, truth serves as a strong defense against defamation claims because if a statement is proven to be true, it cannot be considered defamatory. This means that if the accused can demonstrate that the statement in question is factually accurate, they are not liable for defamation.
The address of the Strong Historical Society Inc is: Po Box 133, Strong, ME 04983-0133
They are reasonable and they have more than one side (Apex)
a thesis.
A location does not have a strong military. Rome developed of a strong military for historical reasons.
logically strong and creative........... Love to experiment with you imagination ........focused thought process in marketing
in honesty (for i am armed so strong in honesty)
Because if you don't there is a strong likliehood that you will lose your case.
Examples of strong words for are elderly, antique, or ancient.
the civil war
DDT was discovered in 1874 but the confirmation as a strong pesticide is from 1939.
A historical argument presents a claim based on evidence from historical sources and research. It aims to explain and interpret past events, often analyzing the causes and consequences of historical events or developments. Effective historical arguments are supported by strong evidence and critical analysis.