There are no ordinary household objects shaped like a decagon. Some glasses or vases may be decagonal in shape.
There are few household objects that are shaped like nonagons. Some coins in a few countries are, but even these are rare designs.
what household item is the shaped like a pyramid
A tent...
Kites, computer screens, computer keys, and wireless routers are just a few objects shaped like quadrilaterals.
A stop sign
There are few household objects that are shaped like nonagons. Some coins in a few countries are, but even these are rare designs.
what household item is the shaped like a pyramid
One of the most common answers is a five-shaped star.
As far as I ah aware, they are not at all common. Drinks coasters are about the only things that I can think of.
Some objects that are shaped like an oval include eggs and footballs.
chicken nugget
A tent...
A sphere.
Kites, computer screens, computer keys, and wireless routers are just a few objects shaped like quadrilaterals.
A pencil