Three hundred forty-two thousands in decimal form is 342,000
Three hundred forty-six thousandths
Nine hundred forty three ten thousandths.
I would write, one thousand, three hundred and forty as: 1,340
Three hundred forty-two thousands in decimal form is 342,000
Three hundred forty-six thousandths
Three and two hundred forty-seven thousandths.
543 and there is no need to add a decimal point after the number.
Nine hundred forty three ten thousandths.
Three hundred forty-six and twenty-five hundredths.
345: three hundred forty five.
Three is a number, three hundred is a number, three hundred forty is a number, three hundred forty-two is a number, forty is a number, forty-two is a number, forty-two hundred is a number, two is a number, and two hundred is a number, but three hundred forty-two hundred is not a number.
two and three hundred forty thousandths