The answer is 12:10 PM
210 degrees
In a 12-hour clock system, 07:10 would be represented as 7:10 AM. The 12-hour clock system divides the day into two 12-hour periods: AM (ante meridiem) and PM (post meridiem). The time 07:10 falls within the AM period, specifically at 7 hours and 10 minutes past midnight.
Expressed in 12 hour clock form, 2325 is equal to 11:25 pm.
In England this would be referred to as '10;30' or 'half past ten'. On the am/pm clock you would write 10:30 am ( morning) or 10:30 pm (evening) On the 24 hour clock it is 1030 hrs (for morning) or 2230 hrs ( evening).
It is 10:00 PM (Post Meridiem, meaning "after noon" in the 12-hour clock).Or 22:00 (in the 24-hour clock).
12'o clock in midday is pm
On a 24 hour clock, it's pm. On a twelve hour clock, it could be either.
If the clock is digital then it will say am or pm. Otherwise you can figure it out by looking outside and seeing whether it is morning AM or afternoon PM.
There is no such thing as 'analog time'. Time is measured the same way whether you use an analog or digital clock. An analog clock is represented as a circle, with 'hands' on its face that point to different numbers to tell the time. A digital clock is simply a set of numbers, usually accompanied by 'AM' or 'PM' to denote day or night. For instance: 9:42 PM
2 PM on the 24 hour clock is 14:00.
So you will know if it is morning (AM) or evening (PM).
Reset time on the clock is 1 PM. Just disconnect and reconnect the batttery at 1 PM.
Show me how 132 p.m. look on the clock
9:00 pm on a 12-hour clock is equivalent to 21:00 on a 24-hour clock.
The letters PM does not mean PM of after 12 o clock,it means PRIVATE MESSAGE