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Kirsten Dickens

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Q: How is the product of 2 and -5 shown using integer tiles?
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What are corrugated tiles?

Corrugated tiles means sheets of tiles that are using for building purpose. Such materials are using for design and making house roof looking great. Such tiles are May available in stores like wholetiles

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Are cubed numbers closed under multiplication?

Yes. If you have two positive integers "a" and "b", and their corresponding cubes "a^3" and "b^3" (using "^" for "power"), then the product of the two cubes would be a^3 times b^3 = (ab)^3. Since the product of "a" and "b" is also an integer, you have the cube of an integer.

How many bonus points for using all 7 tiles in scrabble?

You do not earn any extra points for using 7 tiles. You need to use all 8 tiles to get a bonus score of 50 points.

how many tiles needed using 8 inches tiles with the area of 72 inches by 48 inches?

Basic maths... 54 tiles in total !

How do we find remainder of two numbers by using addition subtraction multiplication and division?

The remainder of two positive integers can be calculated by first dividing one number (the dividend) by the other (the divisor) using integer division (ignoring any fractional component). Multiply this quotient by the divisor, then subtract the product from the dividend. The result is the remainder. Alternatively, while the dividend remains greater than the divisor, subtract the divisor from the dividend and repeat until the dividend is smaller than the divisor. The dividend is then the remainder.

What two numbers have a product of 20 and a sum of 13?

There are no integer answers for your question. I suggest using the quadratic equation is is y=b±√b²-4(a*c)∕2*a

What is 34 in two different ways in the product?

Using positive integer factors, the only two ways in which the number 34 can be reached using two numbers is 2 x 17 and 1 x 34.

How to clean floor tiles effectively using vinegar?

To clean floor tiles effectively using vinegar, mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the tiles and let it sit for a few minutes. Scrub the tiles with a brush or mop, then rinse with water. Dry the tiles with a clean cloth to finish.

Why you are using binary integer representation?

I am not!