He needs to know lengths and angles and that requires math. Often he needs things like midpoints too.
The uses of math is to help you with life like to add your at the store add up the total or subtract it but either way math plays a big role in everyone's life.
I think they do. Most of the teachers I have use math. Almost everyone (including me!) uses math.
uses numb3rs
Everyone uses math every day. Architects use math to make sure that their building designs are stable. Teachers use math to count the number of students in the class. Salesmen use math to figure out their profits.
a carpenter uses a condom a carpenter uses a condom
A carpenter uses wood to construct his projects.
A carpenter or a sculptor.
In every possible situation with carpentry you use math. How long is the material, how much material, when is the completion date, how much do you charge for the job, how much do you pay for the job? The more precise the math the better the quality of the carpentry! Any good carpenter is good at math . If the carpenter you know isn't good at math don't let him remodel your kitchen!
A carpenter won't usually have much use for exponents, or other advanced math topics.
a carpenter
You should be good with 5th grade math. A geometry course wouldn't hurt.
A Ladder.
Every time he or she measures.
A Carpenter.
do not know
math uses the scientific method