If you are talking about Microsoft Word, then you type a fraction like this:
However, after you press the spacebar, the fraction will automatically become smaller like this:
If you need help with fractions, just ask. But the functions will have to be typed in words, such as "one fourth divided by two" or whatever.
what does the word prp mean in fractions
It means to reduce fractions to their lowest terms as for example 4/8 = 1/2 in its lowest terms
the different types of fractions are:-proper fractionimproper fractionmixed fraction
It means hand Thomas Siafa Jr. typed this answer
If you need help with fractions, just ask. But the functions will have to be typed in words, such as "one fourth divided by two" or whatever.
It means what it says. It is a document that you have created, you have typed it using MIcrosoft Word.
based on how you typed it there was no definition for that word
it how many word typed
The answer is unknown.
what does the word prp mean in fractions
the one you just typed.
When typed in capital letters the word can be inverted to spell the same word.
The word fractions is plural.The singular of the word is fraction.An example sentence with the plural is: he finds these fractions hard to do.An example sentence with the singular is: I was only paid a fraction of what I was owed.
a typed letter in Microsoft word