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Rectangles are related to the distributive property because you can divide a rectangle into smaller rectangles. The sum of the areas of the smaller rectangles will equal the area of the larger rectangle.

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Q: How are rectangles related to the distributive property?
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What is the distributive property for 46 and 69?

The distributive property is a characteristic that two mathematical operators may have. Numbers do not have a distributive property.

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Numbers do not have a distributive property. The distributive property is an attribute of one arithmetical operation over another. The main example is the distributive property of multiplication over addition.

How is fimding the Area of a rectangle related to Distributive Property?

It is not. You simply multiply length x width.

How do you do do distributive property?

The distributive property applies to two binary operations, not to an individual number. It is therefore, impossible to make "786 distributive property".

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What is the distributive property of 8700 8300?

There is no manifestation of the distributive property in 8700 8300

What is the distributive property of 42?

Individual numbers do not have the distributive property - mathematical operations do.

What is the distributive property for addition?

Addition, by itself, does not have a distributive property. Multiplication has a distributive property over addition, according to which: a*(b + c) = a*b + a*c

How do you make 786 distributive property?

The distributive property applies to two binary operations, not to an individual number. It is therefore, impossible to make "786 distributive property".

What is 516 in distributive property?

The distributive property is applicable to two binary operators (such as addition and multiplication). There are no operators in the question and so the distributive property has no relevance to the question.

What does distributive property mean in addition?

Addition, by itself, does not have a distributive property. Multiplication has a distributive property over addition, according to which: a*(b + c) = a*b + a*c