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Once upon a time, the IPAI and the TIPAI Indians were together..

The Tipai-Ipai spoke Yuman division of Hokan and lived in Southern California and Northern Baja California. Depending upon the location and season, they would live in dome-shaped structures made from poles covered with thatch, brush or palm leaves. They would also live in caves. Primary foods included acorns, cactus, clover, cherries, plums, berries, prickly pear, and small game.

MANY tipai Indians live on the other side of the boarder south...while alot and many, ipai' live in northern boarder, then you have your Dispalced Indians who preffer not to live in the - incest,domestic violent,Druckard,Imoral,obese.. reservations and preffer, to live in Civil word of order and door to the B.I.A.

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