1.2992126 inches
Direct Conversion Formula
1 in
25.4 mm
33mm converts to 1.3 (1.29921) inches.
33 millimeters is 1.3 inches.
33mm is 3.3cm
33mm = 3.3cm
The length of a paper clip is 1 & 3/8 inches long (Jumbo)
3.3cm = 33mm
33mm converted to inches is1.2992126 inchesRemember you can type in 33mm to inches in http://www.google.com and it will convert it for you,Direct Conversion Formula30 mm*1 in25.4 mm=1.181102362in
They can get to about the length(long ways)about an arm of a 10 yr. human, but a little bit longer.
The Niagara Falls has an area of 33mm.
There are 10mm in 1cm. 3.3 * 10 = 33mm
33mm is the size on the carbs