Cutting each paper into 3 equal size pieces gives 15 pieces of paper.
Each student gets one piece and there are 3 left over.
Cutting the 3 leftover pieces each into 4 equal size pieces gives 12 pieces of paper, one for each student.
(1/3 + 1/12) x 12 = 5
If cutting off 5 inches left 4 inches, then the original length of one piece was 9 inches. The other piece was also 9 inches. Therfore the original piece of construction paper was 18 inches
During my experiment, i found that students who used yellow paper rather than red or white paper were the ones who performed better on their tests. Each test contained 10 questions and was given to 30 students equally.
Piece of paper
The answer depends on how small (or big) the pieces of paper are!
An electrified rod attracts the pieces of paper after a while the papers fly away because of the exchange of the charges between the rod and the pieces of papers.
3/8 of a sheet.
They have glue, glitter, and pieces of construction paper still on their uniforms.
If cutting off 5 inches left 4 inches, then the original length of one piece was 9 inches. The other piece was also 9 inches. Therfore the original piece of construction paper was 18 inches
During my experiment, i found that students who used yellow paper rather than red or white paper were the ones who performed better on their tests. Each test contained 10 questions and was given to 30 students equally.
find 7 equal parts
construction paper is a thick and usually colored piece of paper.
heavy weight construction paper
Piece of paper
two pieces of paper
Synthetic dyes are responsible for the colors of construction paper. When construction paper was first used, The colors were added by vegetable oil and pigments.
The answer depends on how small (or big) the pieces of paper are!
200,000 pieces of paper are in a ton