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Q: How can I use 9 4 1 and 2 once to make the decimal nearest to 20?
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Why does there have to be two numbers after the decimal?

There doesn't always have to be two numbers after the decimal. If you are asked to round to the nearest hundreth, then use two places after the decimal. If you are asked to round to the nearest thousandth, then use 3 places after the decimal. If you are asked to round to the nearest tenth, then use 1 place after the decimal. If you are not told where to round, then it is up to you. One common way of doing it is to use significant figures. In other words, if you are dividing two numbers to get a decimal; count the number of significant figures in the divisor and the dividend. Whichever one has the least number of significant figures, use that number of significant figures in your answer. For example: 30.5 / 1.3456789 30.5 has the least number of significant figures; so use 3 significant figures in your answer. Answer: 22.7 If you are working with money, then always use two numbers after the decimal. For example: Add $30.15 + $201.25 Answer: $231.40

What SI units would you use for the thickness of a penny?

Millimetres to 1 decimal place (or micrometres rounded to the nearest 100).

What is 7.9372539 rounded to the nearest tenth?


How do you round a number to the nearest place value?

A decimal less than .5 rounds down to the nearest whole number. A decimal greater than .5 rounds up to the nearest whole number. A decimal of .5 depends on the country and application of use. In metric countries, like Canada, decimals of .5 are rounded to the nearest even number. For example: 1.4 rounds to 1 12.6 rounds to 13 5.5 rounds to 6 4.5 rounds to 4

What is 18.194 rounded to the nearest hundredth?


What is 62.20 rounded to the nearest tenth?

It is simply 62.2

Describe how to make the least decimal with the digits in 4.06?

.046Assumptions: You can use each digit exactly once, and you don't have to put a zero before the decimal point. (Good form is to write 0.046)How to make it? Your answer will look like this: .abcThe a is tenths (largest) ... use the smallest digit, 0The b is hundredths (next largest) ... use the next smallest digit, 4The c is tenths (smallest) ... use the largest digit, 6

Why do they use one decimal?

because, if they used more than one decimal, it would make absolutely no sense!

What times what equals 103?

Now originially, there would not be a solution for this answer.. but! If you were to use a decimal to find your answer and round it to the nearest tenths, then there would be many solutionsEX:51.25 x 2 = 102.5102.5 rounded to the nearest tenths would be 103

What is 1.13 to the nearest tenths place?

Use the next column to the right of the tenths column to decide whether to round up of down: if it is 5 or more round up, otherwise round down. The tenths digit is the first after the decimal point, so the hundredths is the second after the decimal point. It is a 3 which is not 5 or more, so round down: 1.13 → 1.1 to the nearest tenth.

Why when you make measurements should the answer only have the same number of significant figures as the measurement with the fewest significant figures?

This is because the uncertainty in your answer is determined by the least precise measurement. It's no use expecting your answer to be known to 4 decimal places if you are only measuring to the nearest whole mile.

22 to nearest ten?