The number of equal parts in a whole depends on how the whole is divided. If the whole is divided into halves, there are 2 equal parts. If divided into thirds, there are 3 equal parts, and so on. In general, the number of equal parts in a whole is determined by the denominator of the fraction used to represent the parts.
Perhaps you wanted to ask a different question, but this is the answer to the question you asked. - It is one inch divided into five equal parts.
A circle is divided into 360° and each of them is 1° ■
One degree of latitude is divided into 60 minutes. Each minute is further divided into 60 seconds.
60 degrees each.
360 degrees divided by 15 =24 degrees :-)
It is 60 degrees
3 angles
21 divided in to 3 equal parts = 7
A circle is 360 degrees, so 360/14 gives the measure of the angle of the 14 equal parts (which would be wedges). So, quick answer: about 25.7 degrees