They add clarity to an explanation, and may make understanding easier.
Yes you make same denominator
When adding or subtracting fractions first make sure that the denominators are the same if they aren't then find the lowest common denominator and alter the fractions accordingly
It is to change the whole into fractions
I suppose, in a technical sense. "Decimal form" is said by teachers and textbooks when speaking in contrast to "fractional form". 4500 is in either both forms or neither forms, but 'decimal form' isn't a real mathematical 'form' but a choice of expression. 4500.0 is decimal form. 4500/1 is fractional form. Decimals make percentages easier. Fractions make dividing easier.
understanding cells make life easier because knowing about cells is knowing about your body and different parts.
Microsoft make life easier
You cannot add or subtract fractions with different denominators. If the denominators are different then you need to work with equivalent fractions.
it not make life easier but it helps in science project for homework.
what are tool or methods to help make life easier
Travel easier
Cars and dishwashers make my life easier than if I didn't have them.
It makes transportation easier
It was a cheaper and easier way to make steel.
They add clarity to an explanation, and may make understanding easier.
well the apple company has made an easier life
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