

How can v convert kg in to Cubic cm?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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kg. is a unit of mass, cubic cm. is a unit of volume. You can convert in the case of specific substances, if you know the density. For example, water has a density of 1000 kg. per cubic meter, or 1 gram per cubic centimeter; that is equivalent to 0.001 kg. for every cubic cm. For other substances, multiply this value with the density (in gram / cubic centimeter); for example, since the density of gold is about 19, each cubic cm. will have a mass of about 0.019 kg.

kg. is a unit of mass, cubic cm. is a unit of volume. You can convert in the case of specific substances, if you know the density. For example, water has a density of 1000 kg. per cubic meter, or 1 gram per cubic centimeter; that is equivalent to 0.001 kg. for every cubic cm. For other substances, multiply this value with the density (in gram / cubic centimeter); for example, since the density of gold is about 19, each cubic cm. will have a mass of about 0.019 kg.

kg. is a unit of mass, cubic cm. is a unit of volume. You can convert in the case of specific substances, if you know the density. For example, water has a density of 1000 kg. per cubic meter, or 1 gram per cubic centimeter; that is equivalent to 0.001 kg. for every cubic cm. For other substances, multiply this value with the density (in gram / cubic centimeter); for example, since the density of gold is about 19, each cubic cm. will have a mass of about 0.019 kg.

kg. is a unit of mass, cubic cm. is a unit of volume. You can convert in the case of specific substances, if you know the density. For example, water has a density of 1000 kg. per cubic meter, or 1 gram per cubic centimeter; that is equivalent to 0.001 kg. for every cubic cm. For other substances, multiply this value with the density (in gram / cubic centimeter); for example, since the density of gold is about 19, each cubic cm. will have a mass of about 0.019 kg.

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14y ago

kg. is a unit of mass, cubic cm. is a unit of volume. You can convert in the case of specific substances, if you know the density. For example, water has a density of 1000 kg. per cubic meter, or 1 gram per cubic centimeter; that is equivalent to 0.001 kg. for every cubic cm. For other substances, multiply this value with the density (in gram / cubic centimeter); for example, since the density of gold is about 19, each cubic cm. will have a mass of about 0.019 kg.

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