1111 in binary is 15 in decimal.
1111 1000 ------ 0111 0001 ------ 1000
To convert binary to hexadecimal split the binary number into blocks of 4 bits from the right hand end; each block represents a hexadecimal digit: 111101110001 → 1111 0111 0001 = 0xF71
The binary number 1111 is 15. The digits in a binary number are exponents of 2 rather than 10, so that for a four digit number in binary, the digit places represent 8, 4, 2, 1 instead of increasing values of 10. 1111 = 8+4+2+1 = 15
The answer is 1 0101 0111 1110 1011 1011 0011 1111 1010 0001 0111
0000 0000 1111 1000F ( or 15) = 1111 in binary, and 8 = 1000 in binary, so F is 1111 1000
In binary: 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 In octal: 37777777777 In hexadecimal: FFFFFFFF in decimal: 2³² - 1 = 4,294,967,295
1111 in binary is 15 in decimal. 1111 in decimal is 10001010111‬ in binary.
A nibble is 4 bits, so the largest unsigned number is 1111, or 15. Also, the largest signed number is 0111, or 7.
Here are the binary numbers from zero to fifteen: 0 = 0000 1 = 0001 2 = 0010 3 = 0011 4 = 0100 5 = 0101 6 = 0110 7 = 0111 8 = 1000 9 = 1001 10 = 1010 11 = 1011 12 = 1100 13 = 1101 14 = 1110 15 = 1111
1111 in binary is 15 in decimal.
In binary the largest number (using IEEE binary16) representable would be: 0111 1111 1111 1111 (grouping the bits in nybbles* for easier reading). This is split as |0|111 11|11 1111 1111| which represents: 0 = sign 111 11 = exponent 11 1111 1111 = mantissa. Using IEEE style, the exponent is offset by 011 11, making the maximum exponent 100 00 This is scientific notation using binary instead of decimal. As such there must be a non-zero digit before the binary point, but in binary this can only ever be a 1, so to save storage it is not stored and the mantissa effectively has an extra bit, which for the 10 bits specified makes it 11 bits long. Thus the mantissa represents: 1.11 1111 1111 This gives the largest number as: 1.1111 1111 11 × 10^10000 (all digits are binary, not decimal.) This expands to 1 1111 1111 1100 0000 (binary) = 0x1ffc0 = 131,008 Note that this is NOT accurate in storage - there are 6 bits which are forced to be zero, making the number only accurate to ±32 (decimal): the second largest possible real would be 1 1111 1111 1000 000 = 0x1ff80 = 130,944 - the numbers are only accurate to about 4 decimal digits; the largest decimal real number would be 1.310 × 10^5, and the next 1.309 × 10^5 and so on. However, with proper IEEE, an exponent with all bits set is used to identify special numbers, which makes the largest possible 0111 1101 1111 1111 which is 1.1111 1111 11 × 10^1111 = 1111 1111 1110 0000 = 0xffe0 = 65504 accurate to ±16, ie the largest is about 6.55 × 10^4. * a nybble is half a byte which is directly representable as a single hexadecimal digit.
1111 1000 ------ 0111 0001 ------ 1000
The binary number 1111 = 15