45/100 or 4.5/10
A fraction is a numerical constant. Being a fraction does not alter that. And, as a constant, its rate of change is precisely zero.
No because 4.5 is greater than .045 which is the same as 0.045
a fraction is already a fraction i don't mean to be mean but you must be super stupid.
To change a percent into a fraction, divide the percent number by 100, and if you can, simplfy the fraction.
0.045 = 45/1000 or 9/200 in fraction
45/1000 or 9/200
45/100 or 4.5/10
The answer depends on the units used for 0.045: inches? feet? miles?
045 av is 75cc and the 045 av Super is 87cc.
.045 inch.045 inch
you can change a fraction to a decimal by dividing the bottom number into the top number.
To change -0.555555555 to fraction: just divide -5 by 9Answer -5/9 in fraction
How to change a decimal fraction to proper fractions,0.09
To change 6% to a fraction, change it to a decimal, which is 0.06, and then to a fraction, which is 6/100 or 3/50 in simplest terms.
what is 0.28 as a fraction